Web Design Pet Peeves: tips for a better DIY website design

Some thoughts about web fonts, web typography, what to avoid and why! Subscribe for next week’s video: http://goo.gl/4oPFcZ

BY THE WAY! I’m currently booking for August: http://kinkeaddesigns.com/

Cool, free type tools:
Typecast: http://typecast.com/fonts/google
Kerning game: http://type.method.ac/

Thumbs up if you enjoyed this video!

FREE EBOOK: http://graphicdesigncrashcourse.com/freebie/
WORK WITH ME: http://kinkeaddesigns.com/
LEARN LOGO DESIGN: http://graphicdesigncrashcourse.com/how-to-design-a-logo-a-beginners-course/


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