Innovating traditional marketing methods and reaching a broader audience.
As important as it is to stay on top of the current digital marketing trends, your company also needs to stay at the forefront of traditional routes. We provide direct mail fulfillment services in addition to our digital offerings. Perhaps you are a smaller, local business that could benefit from reaching out to the community with flyers, coupons, or even a festive, seasonally-themed card to wish them greetings. You may want to seek feedback from local customers by mailing out no-return-postage-necessary survey cards that they can tick and send back to you. This not only provides feedback but also alerts you to how many and which customers are willing to interact via traditional mail.
Many people don’t check their personal email often enough to catch the promotions or news that you are putting out, but they will check their physical mail box.
It is important to partner direct mail efforts with digital marketing efforts to increase the reach and impact of your campaign. It’s hard to predict how many people will respond to email marketing versus traditional mail, and you may be surprised to find that customers in your geographical region prefer to respond to snail mail rather than email. Many people don’t check their personal email often enough to catch the promotions or news that you are putting out, but they will check their physical mail box. Furthermore, if you are running a promotion, some customers may not be on Facebook or other social media to get your coupon, but they will appreciate getting a physical coupon in the mail.
Charlotte SEO can translate your digital branding into beautifully printed pieces and pair our direct mail service with our printing service to create a traditional marketing strategy that can stand alone or be combined with digital efforts.
Interested in direct mail? Click here to contact us. Not interested? Check out our other marketing offerings.